Its wednesday, and I'm sitting at home. Gas in the car and no money in my wallet. Kind of creates a bit of a problem. I WAS supposed to go out to dinner with some friends tonight. You know, have a good time and say farewell to those who will be leaving for school away from here. Which brings me back to the "not having any money" part of this whole thing. Last time I checked restaurants don't take it too well when you sit down and you're too poor to afford anything on their menu. The way they see it, you're in there with No money so that must mean you're a bad person right? They can't have you breathing all of their air! That's for PAYING customers. All of this than leads to you being kicked out by an overweight white woman. True story from an experience at a local Pizza hut. I do understand that they like making money and keep their seating reserved for people who can pay but if I'm there with people you shouldn't be kicking me out should you? I'm wrong and they're right, I'm just annoyed. Being unemployed is horrible and I never understand why people complain about having work. I would DIE to have something to do every DAY that would eventually result in me getting money from it that I could use to frolick joyfully with my friends. After finding work I would probably wind up complaining about it but, thats life.
The point is, not having money is the worst thing in the world, especially realizing it AFTER making plans a few days in advance. Also notice some words in this blog are in CAPITAL LETTERS.
I did end up making a couple call backs to some of the places I applied at. Of course nobody in TOWN is hiring right now and I'll be lucky to maybe get a phone call for an interview in December. I need a job NOW and I'll be lucky to POTENTIALLY get one during Christmas. This is what I call, Corporate Warfare.
Anyway, I just felt like getting some things out, spreading my blogging wings a little bit more and just typing the things that I can't tell anyone because I'm alone in my house right now. I know nobody is reading this or even cares but I'll be ending this here.
Until Next Time
The Silva Scholar.
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